Friday, November 29, 2019

T.W.A.S. Nov 25-29th

Here are the highlights of the last week in school!

Today was the dance performance following our 2-week experience with SoundKreations.  We worked hard learning a hip hop and Caribbean dance.  While many kids were nervous about sharing them in front of the school and parents, they did a great job!  Thank you to all of the parents who made it out on a very cold day to support the kids!

We've been working on Literacy Centers the last 2 weeks.  The students rotate through different centers all focused on Literacy.  Ms. Rutland has really enjoyed working with all the groups in guided reading - and lots of neat comics and words games are being explored.

Mrs. Gartner did a cool light and shadow visual art piece with our class this week.  The images will be available via GoogleDrive link as soon as possible!

In Social Studies, students are divided into groups to learn about the regions of Alberta (Grade 4) and the regions of Canada (Grade 5).  The Grade 4's had to first design a new Alberta flag based on what they saw as the most important land and resources in the provinces.  Check out their video on Iris explaining the flag design.  The Grade 5's are beginning to research a region of Canada to create a Google Slide presentation.

Math groups are continuing - with all groups either beginning or continuing with multiplication and division next week.  Grade 4's need to have automatic recall of multiplication and division facts up to 7x7 and Grade 5's up to 9x9 - so keep practicing at home!

We are looking forward to finishing our Jen Aranyi inspired landscape art next week.  Check back for the finished results next week!


Friday, November 15, 2019

T.W.A.S. Nov. 12-15th

This was a short week, with lots going on!

We started the week outdoors at Fish Creek Park for a field trip where we learned about orienteering, which is like a scavenger hunt with a map.  We thought it was fun and exciting.  We were surprised by seeing deer, chickadees, and squirrels. Reading the map was a little hard.  While we were walking through the park we also did a nature scavenger hunt where we looked for different kinds of trees and footprints (both animals and people)!  Inside the fenced area was a place where  snakes hibernate through the winter.  Another cool thing we found were lego plants - which are actually called horsetails.

Wednesday was PJ Day and we played a PJ game in Gym.

This week we finally presented our learning from the Save Our Wetlands Project.

In math, all groups are working on addition, and subtraction, or multiplication and division. Keep practicing adding basic facts at home!

Some groups have been finishing up our "dangerous ways to get to school" descriptive writing.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Kernels Fundraiser

Marlborough School Parent Council will be conducting a Kernels fundraiser from 
November 15th-November 29th. We expect to hand the orders out on December 9th. The proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to reduce the cost of school hoodies/t-shirts that will be available for purchase by all families at a later date. Snack size bags of popcorn are $2 each. The top selling classroom will win a pizza party!!!

Please help your child with our campaign.  Please sell to friends, family, neighbors, and people at work. 

Friday, November 8, 2019

T.W.A.S. Nov. 4-8

It has been a long time since we've done an update - my apologies!
Here are the highlights from the week:

In Science, we finished wetlands and have moved on to learning about Light and Shadow from Mrs. Gartner.  We started off looking at what we know, wonder, and learned. So far we have learned that light can do 3 things: it can be reflected, refracted, or absorbed. We also learned that things can emit light.

For Language Arts we are working on a bunch of different writing and reading activities, such as word games, writing comics, raz kids, and word searches.  The Green Literacy group has been working on Free Verse poems with the theme of "Remembrance." Some of the poems will be shared in our Remembrance Day Assembly Imovie.  The Red and Blue groups have been working creating a descriptive writing piece on the topic of dangerous ways to get to school using a picture prompt.

All Math groups are exploring Number concepts, which involves addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  Ask your child what they are working on at the moment! 

For Social Studies, students are considering the personal, economic and environmental effects of natural resources - and recognizing that these effects can be positive or negative. 

This week we had our Remembrance Day Assembly on Friday.  It was a beautiful, reflective assembly and the students demonstrated great respect throughout.  Prior to the assembly, our class read a book called, "The Enemy," where the main character shows us that hate comes from a lack of understanding and empathy towards other people.

- No School Monday, Nov. 11
- Field Trip Tuesday, Nov 12th.  PLEASE dress to be outside all day, including boots, a winter coat, hat, and mitts.
- Wednesday - Pajama Day
- Friday - Fun Lunch orders are due

This Week in School (Mar 2-6)

Math: All classes are wrapping our official unit on Fractions and Decimals.  In Grade 4, students are expected to know how to relate fractio...