Friday, January 10, 2020

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a happy winter break and are ready for the real arrival of winter next week!  Please remember to dress warmly! 
After our short 2-day week, just a couple notes for everyone. Students all completed writing about their break and any goals for 2020.  They were asked to take home unfinished writing so you might see that in their bag.  Any time students take home unfinished work, it is very important that they return it the next day.  Often we are continuing projects or writing and it is very challenging if they've left their work at home.

For January 13th, the Grade 4's will be making 3-D Maps of Alberta, and we require boxes.  If you have any larger sized boxes, please send them in with your child.  If any parents are available to volunteer from 10:15-11:15 any day next week, please send me an email at

Thanks!  Stay warm everyone!

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This Week in School (Mar 2-6)

Math: All classes are wrapping our official unit on Fractions and Decimals.  In Grade 4, students are expected to know how to relate fractio...