Saturday, September 14, 2019

T.W.A.S. (Sept 9-13)

This week's post is completed by Ms. Rutland - as we ran out of time to complete it as a class!

Math - Students finished their work in the graphing unit this week.  Please check out a sample of your child's work either from a work sample sent home or digitally on Iris or SeeSaw.

Science - We looked at Animal Classification this week and then used books and photographs to classify animals that could be found in a wetland ecosystem.

Social Studies - Students completed their Mapping Booklets and have moved on to applying their knowledge of maps to creating their own map of either a real or imagined place.  The rubric for this task is below.  This has been shared with students so that they are aware of what is expected at each proficiency level.

L.A. - We moved into a new grouping where students have been placed onto a team (blue, red, or green).  Each team has been working on writing through making connections to quality literature.  This week, students have made connections to self using the books The Darkest Dark, Franklin's Bad Day, and Stone Soup.

Our school had the privilege of the Dare-to-Care Program on Wednesday, Sept. 11th.  In this program students learned the difference between conflict and bullying and some strategies to use if they find themselves in these situations.  We will continue to build on the ideas shared throughout the year.

Thank you to all of you who were able to attend our Meet the Teacher on Sept 12.  Important documents were distributed.  If you weren't able to attend, please watch for your child's paperwork on Monday.  Please complete the documents requiring signatures and return as soon as possible.

Thank you!

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